Extreme wind, heavy rain, hail and snow are common elements that can beat down the exterior of your home or business. Summit works with the best roofing, siding, gutter and eaves trough professionals to repair your home or business, so give us a call today!
Wind related damage can involve fallen trees, damaged rooftops, and water penetration from rainfall. An immediate professional board-up is important to minimize further damages to your property. Summit

Summer hailstorms happen swiftly and unexpectedly causing devastating damages to properties. On August 4th, 2015 a severe thunderstorm warning was in effect for Calgary. The city took an extreme hail and rain beating. The storm brought down large trees, damaged properties, flooded roads and closed some underpasses while the storm unleashed large hail pellets and heavy rain. Exterior damage requires careful assessment and immediate repair. Leaks that are undetected can result in severe water damage to properties which can include mold growth. Summit’s certified technicians have the expertise in investigating water damage from storms as well as the expertise to rebuild and restore your property. Our specialized equipment helps us uncover hidden moisture within insulation and wall cavities. When a hailstorm hits your property you can count on Summit to clean and restore your building.