Fires can cause a considerable amount of damage to properties and their contents; however, it's the "after fire" activities can usually cause the most damage. It is important for property owners to take immediate and appropriate actions. Items such as carpets, drapes, upholstered furniture and clothing can usually be refurbished after a fire unless they are scorched or severely water damaged.
Fire creates two types of smoke damage, visible soot and the invisible odor. Since every fire is different there is no set guidelines for repair and removal of soot and odor. An example would be, smoke odor from wood could react differently to certain cleaning products than smoke odor from plastics. It is usually difficult for some property owners to remove soot and smoke odors without professional assistance or advice. Our team members have all the training, experience, and compassion needed to evaluate and address your damage. We also have the technical knowledge and the most up to date equipment to clean and disinfect your property.
It is very important to contact us immediately to help you take care of the damage properly. If you have insurance, contact your insurance agent and we will work along with them to fix your home. We also provide you with helpful hints to prevent further damage to your property.
Do not attempt to clean any property textiles unless you know proper procedures. Cleaning up your property yourself can cause additional costly damage.
Do not touch or attempt to clean carpets, upholstered furniture, draperies or other textiles. These cleaning actions will only smear the soot into the fabric making the clean up more costly and difficult.
Summit will dry wet carpets, upholstered furniture, and draperies as soon as possible to prevent mold and mildew. We use special equipment such as fans and dehumidifiers.
Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting to prevent rust stains.
Open windows for ventilation
Change the furnace filter (if operating) at least once a day until the filter shows no soot. This helps with keeping particles from being distributed into the air. Summit uses air scrubbers to clean impurities out of the air that cause odor.